Last Stand Production and Fulfillment Update

We've been hard at work these last few months finalizing everything for the game, and we've got some updates regarding the current production status for Last Stand.
We are happy to announce that everybody who backed for a physical copy of Last Stand will be receiving an upgrade to their component quality. The cards/mats/board will now feature a linen texture finish and be treated with a UV coating for better long term durability. After reviewing the final production proof copy, we believe these additional upgrades substantially improve the look and feel of the game, and we're excited to have given the green light on the print run to include these features.
Unfortunately, the upgrades have come at a cost in the form of our initial shipping goals. Production is under way, but the current estimate for shipping to begin is now mid-September. We are very sorry for the delay, as we are eager to get the game into your hands, but we believe it is worth it in order to deliver the highest quality product we can.
For those who backed the print and play version of Last Stand, we are aiming to have the files available to you by August. Once the print and play files are sent, a PDF of the Last Stand rulebook will also be made available to everybody via a Kickstarter update and our website.
Thank you to everybody for your patience during this final stretch. We will keep you in the loop as shipping draws near. It's been a long road, but the end is nigh!